In this video, we give you a deeper look into what it means to correct first and then
scale. We draw a contrast with the brute force approach – scale first, then correct – in which large QPUs are built out of many qubits and error correction is addressed after-
the-fact. The latter scenario presents significant challenges. Unintended errors are
introduced at scale, performance levels are difficult to sustain, and architectural
limitations inhibit robust system modularity.
By correcting first, Quantum Circuits uses its dual-rail cavity qubit architecture to detect
more than 90% of errors up front at the qubit hardware level. This dramatically simplifies
the error correction task and reduces the number of qubits required to get to quantum
advantage. It’s a practical approach that maximizes the utility of each QPU in the short-
term, where each qubit is utilized to its fullest, and longer-term paves a realistic path to
scalable quantum computing that delivers commercial value.