There’s functional quantum computing,
and then there’s trusted quantum computing…

We believe in trusted quantum computing. There is a difference. We are accelerating the path to fault-tolerant systems that deliver stable, repeatable, and consistent results. Not one time. But many times, over and over. We ignore the inertia of qubit arms races from other vendors and focus on what matters – finding the best path to quantum systems that are commercially viable.

Quantum Circuits provides a full-stack system with error detection built into the hardware at the qubit level. The system is based on a better, more powerful Dual-Rail Cavity Qubit that leapfrogs conventional single qubit approaches, which are inherently inefficient or limited in scale. A Quantum-as-a-Service offering allows programmers to use Quantum Circuits’ powerful SDK to build applications and simulate them before running on actual production hardware.


Quantum Circuits provides a simulator that allows users to prototype and test quantum applications before they are deployed on production hardware. Programmers can leverage built-in error detection capabilities and improve algorithm performance, enhancing the efficiency of building viable quantum applications.

Quantum Circuits provides two classes of quantum simulation –
noiseless and DRQ.

  • The noiseless simulator is perfect for prototyping algorithms quickly as it returns ideal results. It features real-time control flow, enabling advanced algorithms to be designed and tested quickly.
  • The DRQ version offers advanced capability, including, QED, EDH, and a noise model that incorporates erasures. It offers visibility into how the algorithm will perform on an actual QPU. Users can prototype and validate the most advanced quantum applications and exercise the API to its fullest prior to running on a QPU.

The Aqumen Cloud Service

The Aqumen Cloud Service (ACS) is an out‑of‑the‑box Quantum‑as‑a‑Service that delivers a seamless platform for users to run, analyze, and explore cutting‑edge quantum applications. ACS provides tools to compile, simulate and execute quantum applications. It provides users with access to QPUs and simulators to craft and execute quantum programs. The Aqumen Cloud Portal is a central point of access to the ACS.

Centralized Access

Real-time Insights

Feature-rich Interface

Aqumen SDK

The Aqumen SDK is a collection of Python libraries, documentation, and examples that empowers users to execute quantum applications on Quantum Circuits QPUs and Simulators. Its QCDL programming environment offers maximum flexibility, unlocking a rich feature set, real-time control options, and error management with EDH. The SDK connects users to the Aqumen Cloud Service (ACS). Everything submitted through the SDK can be monitored via the Cloud Portal, enabling a seamless, efficient, and transparent workflow experience.

Quantum Programming Environment

Users have two options to write quantum programs:

1. Quantum Circuits
Development Language (QCDL)

A flexible, feature-rich quantum programming environment for writing advanced applications with Quantum Circuits’ error detection and real-time control. Only QCDL harnesses powerful Dual Resonator Qubits with RTCF and EDH. Specified in Python, QCDL easily integrates with the Aqumen SDK and Cloud. Specify any applications – from simple test examples to advanced error-correcting codes using Quantum Circuits’ full features.

2. Qiskit Provider

A lightweight version of the SDK that runs off of Qiskit rather than QCDL. It does not support real-time control features or error management with EDH. However, it offers a quick way to validate existing quantum algorithms or prototype new ones in a quantum framework that may be more familiar. Simple starter programs can be submitted to ACS with the Qiskit Provider to execute standard quantum applications.

Cloud Portal

The Cloud Portal offers users visibility into the status of job execution and allows them to manage their Aqumen Cloud Service credentials. Users can view their jobs’ queue positions, system status, duration of their jobs, and download results. The portal provides valuable insights into what happens within the ACS, leaving users with the transparency they need to facilitate productivity and efficiency in their workflows. The experience is easy and lets users focus on what really matters – programming quantum applications.

Quantum Circuits’ ‘correct first, then scale’ approach provides a pragmatic way to develop quantum applications. Enhance efficiency by exploring, prototyping, and simulating quantum applications with built-in error detection before they go live on hardware.”– Andrei Petrenko, Head of Product, Quantum Circuits

Quantum Circuits Application Examples

Efficient Phase Estimation

  • Enhanced quantum algorithm building block for drug and materials design, finance, optimization, cryptography
  • Real-time control flow enhances algorithms, enabling decisions within qubit coherence time
  • Error detection enhances algorithm accuracy, catching mistakes before performance impact

Enhanced NISQ Applications

  • It’s a struggle to obtain quantum advantage from NISQ quantum algorithms for chemistry simulation, machine learning, and operations research – even with error mitigation
  • Running same NISQ algorithms with built-in error detection enhances performance
  • Useful quantum advantage may become viable sooner

Detected Errors

  • Errors detected, corrected with extremely low overhead of only 5 Dual-Rail Qubits
  • Dual-Rail Qubits restored in middle of execution
  • Scientific breakthrough paves faster path to fault-tolerant quantum computing

Our Differentiation:
Built-in Error Detection Like No Other

No quantum system has a more powerful Dual-Rail Qubit with built-in error detection. To differentiate further, no quantum system has the combination of these three critical error correction features, making Quantum Circuits a unique leader in error-aware, high-fidelity quantum computing.

Quantum Error
Detection (QED)

Quantum Error Detection (QED) is provided out of the box to boost algorithm fidelities. Error detection is built into the hardware fabric, which enables qubit errors to be detected in real-time. QED substantially decreases resource requirements for Quantum Error Correction, which further enhances algorithm performance.

Real-time Detection of Photon Loss Errors

Superior Algorithm Performance

Read Nature Physics Paper-
A Better Superconducting Qubit

Control Flow (RTCF)

Each feature of RTCF unlocks powerful quantum algorithmic capability. This contrasts conventional algorithms, in which gates are executed on individual qubits in a linear fashion with measurements performed at the end of the circuit. Quantum Circuits provides numerous features for users to explore hybrid applications in which classical and quantum calculations are tightly coupled. Real-time features include measurement-based feedback, qubit reuse, access to classical registers and arithmetic. This opens up options to run entirely new classes of algorithms and enhance their performance, promising greater efficiency and throughput.

Real-time Feedback

Integrated Quantum & Classical Subroutines

Read Nature Physics Paper-
A Better Superconducting Qubit

Error Detection
Handling (EDH)

As part of its QED approach, Quantum Circuits detects errors in real-time and post-selects these events out of the final data presented to the user. The results are higher quality, enabling better algorithm outcomes. In typical quantum computing systems, results are returned as 0s and 1s. With EDH, a third result type (*) is provided, signaling a potential error. Returning * in addition to 0 and 1 permits users to identify methods for post-processing detected erasures. Users can explore new algorithms and enhance workflows with a fundamentally new tool in their quantum toolkit.

Enhanced Results Options

Real-Time Error Management

Read Nature Physics Paper-
A Better Superconducting Qubit

Explore With Us

Hold a candle, and you see it clearly. Place it 100 yards away, and you see a flicker. Put it on the moon, and it vanishes from eyesight. That’s how difficult it is to detect a single error. But Quantum Circuits’ machines can still do it with precise error detection at the qubit level. We lead in delivering powerful, scalable qubits with built-in error detection.

Don’t miss the next tech wave. Quantum Circuits invites you to join our Alpha Program and execute quantum applications on our hardware with error detection. It’s a pragmatic, methodical way to accelerate your own path to commercial quantum applications. Start now.

Learn More

Contact Us

The path to fault-tolerant, commercial-ready quantum computing starts now. Explore with us. Learn more about our technology, products, or customer partnership program. We look forward to meeting you.